Saturday, 6 August 2011

One week countdown

Its all getting very exciting now, on the final countdown with only 1 week togo, as I type this I cant help but think this time next week we will be in Folkestone waiting to board. Alot to do for that to happen though! The caravan is coming out of storage today, so that we will be able to prep it during the week. We are avidly checking the weather forecast as the weather in France so far this summer has not been kind, we have even contemplated changing destination in pursuit of the sun but the loss of deposit and the extra costs to travel further south would have put too much strain on the budget so have decided to stick to plan A. The budget is something we are very aware of this year, The rate of exchange is not as good compared to when we first started and the rise in Diesel means that a trip across the channel is not as cheap as it used to be. Factor in tolls, campsite fees and the crossing and you cant help but think we could go away somewhere exotic for this cost! Unfortunately Gary flatly refuses to fly, so if we want a foreign holiday then this is our only option. Thankfully its an option that we love and enjoy.

Prepation for this trip started nearly a whole year ago, due to A level results day for DD we decided to give France a break for a year and instead sample the delights of a small CS in Wales, lovely site, lovely area and a bargain at only £90 but for all its pluses it had one big wasnt France! With France firmly back in the running for the following August we started to narrow down the possibilities, having gone to the same campsite (Sequoia Parc) in the Charante Maritime area two years running we were looking for something different. Our first thought was either the Ardeche or the Tarn, both looking gorgeous but we settled on the Tarn and the well reccomended site Les Peupliers. Now for the life of me i cant remember why we changed our mind, but somehow we totally renewed our decision and booked to go to Annecy instead. We decided on Lac Bleu because of the proximity to the lakeside although we did toy with the idea of La Ravoire they were so slack in responding to emails whereas Lac Bleu were so helpful regards pitch selection we decided to book there, despite mixed reviews. Fingers crossed it was the right decision!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue!

    Happy new year!

    We love your blog and would like the opportunity to contribute with a post of our own. We currently have a post which is yet to be published, titled 'How I made the most of Christmas in a Caravan' and I think it would be great for your blog.

    Let me know if this sounds of interest to you and I'll get it sent over :)

    Take care,

    On behalf of Caravans In The Sun
