Monday, 8 August 2011

So much to do and so little time to do it!

As the title says, the pre-holiday to do list is horrendously long! The caravan is now out of storage and is sat on brother-in-laws drive awaiting its final prep and pack, whilst the house hallway resembles a camping shop, with every concievable camping accessory and style of chair piled high. The packing and preparation is definately not my favourite caravanning related activity and is probably only outdone by the number one worse thing.....putting up the awning!

Ive managed to limit my addiction to checking the Annency weather forecast down to just twice a day now.....the weather in France has not been kind so far this year and many seem to have not had the whole holiday experience they had hoped for. As its still 6 days till our holiday actually starts its a bit too soon to tell how the weather is going to effect us, but its looking more hopeful with at least hot sun on the day we arrive even if its thunderstorms for the next two days after!

Oh well id best sign off now and get a few things crossed of the to do list but maybe I could just check that weather forecast just once more,lol

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